Lecturer, English Language Education Undergraduate Program (now under the Faculty of Language and Arts), Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia, 2000-present.
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University, 2014 Dissertation: Negotiating the place of spirituality in English language teaching: A case study in an Indonesian EFL teacher education program Committee: Paul Kei Matsuda, Chair; Patricia Friedrich; Matthew Prior.
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, The University of Queensland, 2005 Thesis: Exploring "heteroglossia" in Indonesian charismatic oral narratives of personal experiences. Thesis supervisor: Roland Sussex Thesis examiners: Michael Harrington; Peter White
S.Pd. (B.Ed.) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, 2000
Certifications & Licenses
Research Interest 1
Research Interest 1
Professional Association
Research Interest 1
Research Interest 1
Awards & Recognition
Certificate of Appreciation as one of the ten TEFLIN selected paper writers at the 62nd TEFLIN International Conference 2015 held in Denpasar from 14th through 16th September 2015. [The certificate was signed by the President of The TEFLIN board, Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., and the Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee, Dr. Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati, M.A.].
Research Grant
"Praxizing with English language learners from underdeveloped regions in West Kalimantan" (in collaboration with Mr. Ardiyarso Kurniawan, my colleague at the English Language Education program, Faculty of Language and Arts, UKSW).